Why Is My Fishing Line So Loose

For all types of anglers, a loose fishing line is a big issue in the process of fishing. It is of utmost importance to find out why is my fishing line so loose because loose lines wrap around rods and other fishing equipment to create a mess during the cast and retrieve. Sometimes, a loose fishing line makes anglers get frustrated.

Moreover, with loose fishing line, you cannot fish properly. Further on, there is every likelihood that your hook will not be set up properly. Similarly, it can also make you fall by getting snagged.

Hence, in this article, we shall try to figure out the reasons behind why is my fishing line so loose and try to give solutions alongside as well.

Why Is My Fishing Line So Loose

Why Is My Fishing Line So Loose: Reasons

  1. Improper Spooling: Improper spooling is one of the most common reasons why is my fishing line so loose. Make sure that your fishing line is evenly distributed while spooling it on the reel. Likewise, ensure that is neither too tight nor too loose. Moreover, the line will not be properly spooled, if you attach it backward. It will get tangled during cast and retrieve.

  Solution: For proper line spooling, you should ensure the following things:

  • Try attaching the line from the local fishing tackle shop with the help of a spooling machine they have because they attach the line the way it is on the original spool.
  • Even if you try spooling the line at home, make sure the label of the spool is faced upwards to make it attached properly and does not get loose or tangled.
  • Too Much Line Memory: Another reason why is my fishing line so loose is too much memory on it.

   A memory is the amount of shape the line keeps when it is off the spool. The more time a line spends off the spool, the more memory it will retain. It will get a curly and circular shape which will appear during casting. However, you should know that the monofilament line gets more memory.


  • Fishing lines should be attached through machines.
  • Replace the line in case it is worn and torn.
  • Ensure purchasing a line with a small memory.
  • The Line Is Old: The fishing line also gets loose when it is very old. Over time, your fishing line loses shape. As a result, the fibers in the line break down and weaken causing the line to get loose.


  • Change the line, if you have been using it for a month or more.
  • Replace the line with a branded fishing line
  • Too Low or Too Tight Reel Drag:        The reel drag means how tight or how loose the line is wrapped around the reel. The drag is helpful in controlling the fish when on the hook. The tight drag stretches the line whereas a loose drag will make the line get too loose or curly that is, for a fishing line of 15lb, the fish will have to apply equal force of 15lb.


  1. While hooking a large fish, keep the reel drag a little above what is recommended. This will ensure light tightness at all times.
  2. Keep the line tight to make quick adjustments in the drag even while fishing.
  3. Do remember that a heavier reel drag makes fish pull less line off the spool. And it is one of the reasons why is my fishing line so loose.
  • Heavy Line, Light Lure: Using a very light lure for a heavy test line will make the line loose. The light lure will not be able to keep the line tight. Therefore, many fishing lines are designed according to certain lure weights. In such a situation, the line will come off before the lure reaches the water. Further on, the fish are also capable enough to spot the loose line in the water.


  • Get a heavier lure for a heavier line.
  • You can also change the line according to the size of the lure.
  • Don’t cast the lure into the wind to avoid curls in the fishing line.
  • Improper Knotting Technique: Another reason why is my fishing line so loose is the improper technique of knotting it. Therefore, it is very important to tie a good knot while attaching your tackle to the end of the fishing line. If you don’t do so, the line will get loose over time due to pressure on it.


  • Tie a good knot while attaching your tackle to the end of the fishing line.
  • Use strong knots for heavier fish.
  • Tight Line with Multi Lures: Sometimes, on a good fishing day, you may have to use many lures for a good fishing day. For that purpose, the line used must be tight to avoid snags.


  • The weight of the line should be a match to the weight of a lure.
  • The lure must be hanging straight before the cast. Likewise, cast with a pause.
  • After the cast, pause, and reel in the line which is excessive but quick.


          As you have thoroughly read there are multiple reasons behind why is my fishing line so loose. And, you have also been provided with the solutions to avoid line curls or looseness. You are required to show patience to assess the scenario to tackle the relevant issue.

     Moreover, manage the equipment properly. You must practice different techniques before going fishing. Additionally, there should be no compromise on the quality of the material you use.

  In short, follow the follow the three measures:

  • The right line for the reel.
  • Apply proper conditioner to soften the line.
  • Cast and retrieve the line in a proper way.


  1. Why Is My Fishing Line So Loose?

Ans. Improper spooling, too tight or too low drag, improper knotting technique, heavy line for light lure, and old line are some of the reasons Why Is My Fishing Line So Loose.

  • Why is my fishing line loose after casting?

Ans. If your line is loose after casting, it suggests that there is more than the required line in your spool or the line is twisted.

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