Is Bowfishing Legal

Introduction: Before venturing into the details regarding is bowfishing legal, we would first like to discuss what actually or exactly bowfishing is. It is a fast-growing sport for many enthusiasts requiring zero experience. Well, it is a well-known term known to many. Bowfishing is all about fishing with a bow and arrow to catch fish…

What Is an Emerger Fly

What is an emerger fly; another useful topic for the readers of Hopefully, it will also excite our readers like our previous topic that is, wet flies vs dry flies. Additionally, fly-fishing with emergers is the area mostly ignored by the anglers. However, it is a favorite one with the anglers interested in trout….

Wet Fly Fishing for Bass

Wet Fly Fishing for Bass

Wet flies are highly recommended for catching bass, especially smallmouth bass both in lakes as well as rivers and many other a variety of environments. You will certainly enjoy the fishing because wet fly fishing for bass takes you through a great fight for your target. Moreover, the smallmouth bass are not choosy as they…