Pound Test for Surf Fishing

What is actually a Pound Test for Surf Fishing? A pound test or line test is a test to measure the strength of a fishing line in pounds. A pound test is done to show what maximum weight a fishing line can hold before it breaks. Similarly, the process of putting strain on the fishing line is called pull testing.

For instance, if a fishing line contains a label mentioning a 15lb test, it means that it can hold up to a weight of 15lb without breaking. The number of pound tests indicates the strength of a fishing line.

The higher the pound test number, the stronger the fishing line, and vice versa. Moreover, conducting a pound or line test is very simple meaning that anglers can easily choose the required line.
There are different fishing lines available containing different pound test numbers. In general, the fishing lines with smaller pound test numbers are used to catch small fish like panfish or bass and vice versa.

Pound Test for Surf Fishing

Best Pound Test for Surf Fishing

Before reaching out to a seashore and starting surf fishing as an angler, it is extremely important that you have the right type of equipment. This equipment includes the rod, reel, and fishing line.

Of these above-mentioned things, the fishing line is the most important for your fishing accomplishments. Moreover, it is the fishing line that connects you and the fish you are taking all the pain.

Likewise, a weak fishing line will earn you nothing. In other words, all your efforts will be futile. Therefore, don’t even think for a second to invest big in a good fishing line to avoid losing good fish.
The following three things need to be considered before buying a fishing line:

  • Strength
  • Pound test
  • Fishing conditions.

Here, the pound test matters a lot in determining the strength of a fishing line. As discussed above, a pound test is a way to measure the breaking strength of a fishing line. Therefore, before moving towards the sea for fishing, make sure you have a pound-tested fishing line.

However, the pound test varies depending on the fishing line you are going to use for a specific target.

Pound Test for Monofilament Fishing Line

Normally, the pound test for a monofilament fishing line is 15 to 20lb.

Pound Test for Braided Fishing Line

The recommended pound test for braided fishing lines ranges from 30 to 50lb.
However, these fishing lines should be changed at particular intervals to avoid wear and tear and to protect against some unprecedented cuts during the fishing process.
About a Low Pound Test
The name low pound test creates goosebumps among novice anglers. They think that it only means low strength getting to break quickly when a big fish strikes it.

But is nothing but misconception only. Further on, it should be noted that a heavy fish does not break the line but it allows the line to leave the spool only.

The line breaks only when the drag system is set above the actual pound test of your line. The drag is one of the most important aspects of fishing. It helps an angler to keep the fish online and fight it.

The drag system is all about controlling the pressure a fish might put on the line.
So, if the pound test is low, keep the drag system low as well.

Generally, it is a rule that your drag should be one-third of your pound test. Therefore, if the line is 18lb, set the drag to 6 pounds.

Similarly, if the drag is higher than the pound test of your fishing line, the line will break too.
A Problem
A fishing line with a lower pound test is vulnerable to abrasion. It means, if you are battling a good fish and the line rubs against a rock, it cuts off during the battle and will result in loss.

About High Pound Test for Surf Fishing

The fishing lines with higher pound tests certainly provide control over large fish due to their strength and thickness. But one thing that prevents many from going for them is of course the money. Lines with high-pound tests are very expensive.

Moreover, thicker lines face more pressure from water tides and currents making them less stable. Similarly, a thicker line receives friction from the air and reaches shorter distances in the surf, resultantly.

Above all, a tiny part of a thick line can stay on the reel. All these cons, prevent us from opting for a thicker fishing line or line with a higher pound test how much it might be effective.

Hence, we must choose a fishing line that suits best our objectives and conditions.

Factors Dictating a Pound Test for Surf Fishing

Fish Species: Targeting a fish species is the first thing you should decide before going surf fishing. The larger the fish, the higher would be the pound test.
Casting Weight: Casting weight puts a huge stress on the line.

So, if the line is not powerful, things might get worse. Therefore, enough pound tests will absorb the casting weight.
Line Type: Before the surf fishing pound test, choose the type of line you will go for. In this regard, braided lines have high breaking strain with a low diameter. They are also useful for unstable surf conditions.

Whereas, monofilament and fluorocarbon fishing lines are abrasion resistant. Therefore, they are a better option for fishing fish with sharp teeth in rocks and wrecks. Additionally, these two types stretch longer than the braided fishing line.


A surf angler should be prepared in all respects before heading for a fishing expedition. Hence, he should have complete equipment.

The essence of the article is that the foremost thing that an angler should take care of is the pound test of the fishing line he is going for. It will minimize the risks coming the way.


What pound leader is best for surf fishing?

Ans. The leader with a weight of 15 to 20lb is the ideal one for surf fishing. A leader should be 20-30% smaller than a main line.

What weight shall I use Pound Test for Surf Fishing?

AA lead with 4 to 5 oz is enough for a Pound Test for Surf Fishing in normal conditions. However, heavy current conditions may require a lead with a weight of 8 oz.
Note: oz means ounce.

What pound test line do I need for saltwater fishing?

Ns. In saltwater, a fishing line with a pound test of 12-15lb is fine. But for larger species, it is from 17-25lb. But it is better that you make a decision according to your local fishing conditions.

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