How to Use a Spinning Reel for Beginners?

 First choosing and then How to Use a Spinning Reel seems a tough ask for beginners, especially. However, there are available different reels and their models in the system.  As far as how to use a spinning reel is concerned, this article is going to help you in both choosing and using the spinning reel.

  Spinning reels are easy to use and offer the advantage of catching multiple fish species. Additionally, a spinning reel possesses an easy casting and drag system. How to use a spinning reel is not a big deal now because these reels can easily be handled by novice anglers today.

   Another plus point of how to use a spinning reel is that it can be used in both fresh as well as saltwater. Anyway, a spinning reel is fundamental to advancing toward advanced fishing techniques like baitcasting etcetera as it is widely recommended for those who are just entering the fishing world.

how to use a spinning reel for beginners

Parts Of a Spinning Reel: How to Use a Spinning Reel

 Before learning how to use a spinning reel, it is essential to understand the various parts of a spinning reel.

  1. The drag system is part of a spinning reel to produces tension on the fishing line. There is a knob to regulate fiction. The knob adjusts the drag. If the drag is loose, the fish will have more control. Similarly, the line has less tension.
  2. If the drag is tighter, the line will have more tension and the fish will not do much as well. In short, through the drag system, the line can be pulled off the spool. Moreover, if the spinning reel has a smooth drag, the line will not break and the fish will be safe too.
  3. The spool stores the fishing line. Spools might vary according to reels. As we know, the spool is fixed on the reel. Moreover, different spools have different line capacities. 
  4. The 3rd part of a spinning reel is bail. Its role is to roll on and off the spool. Moreover, it is convenient against knots and tangles. A bail is opened while casting and closed while retrieving. Alongside bail, there is a line roller that does not allow the line to receive friction.
  5. The handle is rotated to retrieve the line. The handle has the advantage of getting swapped from one side to your dominant hand.
  6. Anti-Reverse Switch enables back or reverse reeling. It produces zero results with large fish, however. It is located on the front of the reel at the bottom. Further on, back or reverse reeling means allowing the line to give time to a bait to enter a fish’s mouth or pulling the line when the fish is fighting.

Steps of Setting up the Spinning Reel

  Now, it’s time to share with our readers the steps required to make them aware of the steps of setting up the spinning reel.

 Step One: Spooling the line: Spooling the line is key to avoid tangles and twists. There are the following tips to consider for spooling the line as well.

  • Add the reel to the already set up rod.
  • Thread the line from the rod end to the reel.
  • Use an arbor knot to attach the line to the spool.
  • Take help from a friend to hold the spool while you close the bail arm.
  •  Fill the spool to your satisfaction. But leave a space of 1/8 inch between the line and the spool edge. Make sure that the pressure applied is equal throughout.
  • A push from you will test the strength of the line.
  • In case it is not tight, re-start the spooling. But if it’s ok, let’s go fishing.

           Step Two:  Setting the Drag

 In how to use a spinning reel, the setting of the drag is very essential to understand. If the tension on the line is more than enough, you might break the line. Similarly, if you have too little tension on the line, the fish will take more line to make casting a difficult process.

 For making things easier for you, keep using the knob clockwise to increase the tension and vice versa. A balance is key here.

Step Three: Use of Dominant Hand to Wind With:

How to use a spinning reel does not demand the use of a particular right or left hand. Use the hand you are most comfortable with. Anyhow, it is a common practice among anglers to use the dominant hand to hold the rod and the opposite one to wind with.

After having discussed the steps of setting up the spinning reel, now we move to the main topic that is:

What Is the Proper Way to Use a Spinning Reel?

Now this focus KW on how to use a Spinning Reel involves the following steps as well:

  1. Casting a Spinning Reel: The following points need attention while casting a lure or bait with a spinning reel:
  • Spare a footing with a lure from the tip of your rod.
  • On the bottom of the reel’s foot, hold the rod handle with your ring finger. Keep the pointing finger above.
  •  Use your index finger to hold the line.
  • Use the hand with which you will reel in.
  • Open the bail with the opposite hand.
  • Don’t allow the line and lure to move.
  • The winding hand should be on the bottom of the rod at a waist level.
  • The top hand should be pulled forward and the bottom hand should be pushed outward swinging the rod and lure.
  • Pause so that the rod is loaded for the cast.
  • Push the top hand forward and pull the bottom hand towards you to cast.
  • Learn the rod backward, away from the target.
  • Release the line when it has enough tension so that the cast achieves maximum distance.
  • Close the bail when the lure has landed in the water.

If the cat does not achieve satisfactory distance, you don’t need to worry about it as it is something common with novice anglers. Practice will make you certainly perfect.

  1. Hooking And Fighting the Fish with Spinning Reel

In this step of how to use a spinning reel, you should keep winding in until a fish bites. If a fish does not strike at all, you should stay patient because a persistent angler is bound to succeed.

 Keep to the following points:

  • If a fish bites, the reel should be wound to hook it with a treble hook. But you need to lift the rod if you are using single hooks.
  • The fish will run once hooked. You should let it do so but keep the rod at 45 degrees off the water.
  • Add or reduce tension according to the drag.
  • Pull it when it has stopped running.
  • Lift the rod and drop it to 90 degrees winding in the line.
  • Repeat it until the fish lands by your feet.


  How to use a spinning reel might look intimidating to a few beginners, but it is as easy as ABC. A spinning reel is quite easy to use for beginners. And most importantly, the spinning reels can be used in all situations for everything.

  Like everything, they might have some demerits but their advantages exceed their disadvantages. Moreover, they are also easily available for beginners to experience their use.


  1. How to start a spinning reel?

Ans. Spooling the line, setting the drag, use of dominant hand to wind are a few steps to start a spinning reel.

  1. How to adjust drag on a spinning reel?

Ans. The use of an arbor knot clock and anti-clockwise helps in adjusting the drag.

  1. How to prevent line tangles on spinning reels?

Ans. The line should be spooled properly.


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