How To Throw a Bait Casting Net

There are mainly two preferred methods to Throw a Bait Casting Net, that is, with the help of hands and teeth. But with continuous practice, you may throw a cast net either way. If we talk about the mostly adopted method of throwing a cast net, it is certainly using hands. The weight of the net should be kept balanced between both hands and let its own weight carry it away once thrown.

Throw a Bait Casting Net

Tips for Throw A Bait Casting Net:

Following are some of the tips to throw a cast net:

  • It is not about throwing the cast net hard it is rather how you throw it. Set up of the cast net is as important as its throw.
  • An angler should be in a smooth position while throwing the net.
  • Just throw the net and allow it to open itself because the body motion lets a cast net open.
  • Your lower body should stay in the same position whereas you should move your upper body and lean in to throw.
  • Throw with your preferred arm.

Follow the throw all the way through. Go outside and practice more and more on the ground until you are satisfied. If you fish from a boat, practice accordingly because throwing from the boat and throwing on the ground is completely different.

Choose the right net to catch enough bait.

Steps for Throwing a Cast Net:

Loop the Net
Place the cast net out on the ground. Wrap the rope around your left hand. Also, shake the net out so that the net is not caught on itself and opens completely.

Gather the First Third
Grab the net from the middle in your preferred hand. It must be almost a third of the lead. If you hold the net too low, it will not open properly.

Place the First One Third Under Your Arm
Roll the cast net under your left arm because if you roll the net in the wrong direction, it will not open.
4. Split the Remaining Net Between Both Hands
Split the 2nd third and final third in your right and left hand respectively. Now 1st third is under your arm, 2nd third is in your right hand and the final is in your left hand.
Make sure that the lead line is not tangled. If it is tangled, it becomes difficult to throw the net because the weight is not split in the right area.

Throw All Three in Sequence

Your shoulders should point toward the area where you want the net to fly. The net should be first released from the right hand, then the left, and finally from under the arm. Don’t use brute force, rather let the net sail on its own easily and naturally for positive results.

Open Wide and Throw
Open your arms so that the lead line could spin into a circle. At the moment of your release, your arms should be straight in front of you and your fingers spread wide. Release the net once you feel that it has got full momentum.

Further Instructions

Now, you should wait for the net to sink to the bottom of the water. All the baitfish in the closer vicinity will trap in the net. Don’t tug on the headline even by accident till the net has completely settled.

After you are satisfied with the hunt, take time to cast your net back. Trying to retrieve the net in a hurry may result in losing the net and baitfish.

How to Throw a Cast Net with Mouth? Throw a Bait Casting Net ideas

Casting a net with the mouth is not a recommended method of bait fishing because it might prove dangerous to your mouth, teeth, and jaw. The structure of cast nets is such that they can easily be used with your hands to achieve perfect control and accuracy.

Well, in case of urgency, use teeth but with proper guidance and practice. The use of shoulders might also be an alternative to using teeth. However, it is best to avoid using teeth as far as it is possible.

How to Throw a Cast Net from a Boat?

Casting a net from the boat is a bit difficult as compared to casting it from the land due to issues of space and various other obstacles. But the rule of practice makes a man perfect and can never be denied. So, some techniques are mentioned below to master the art of throwing a cast net from the boat:

A right-sized net should be selected for fishing from the boat. For a beginner, the perfect size of the cast net is 6 feet radius.
The position of the boat matters a lot. The boat should preferably be motionless or drifting slowly for a perfect throw.

In case of wind or strong current, the position of the boat should be adjusted accordingly so that the net opens completely.
As mentioned above, there should be enough space around you to handle the net properly.
Throw the cast net on the area where it is some fish activity like bait fish jumping or bird diving.
While pulling the net back, gather the net in your hands and lift it over the side of the boat. Now, open the net to take hold of caught fish.


Cast nets are the best choice among anglers especially beginners because they are inexpensive, easily available, and most importantly very easy to use. They can catch all types of small water animals. Cast nets are used in all types of water bodies such as rivers, seas, lakes, and ponds. All types of baits are caught while using cast nets.

1. How do you Throw a Bait Casting Net?
2. How do you throw a cast net with your mouth?
3. How to Throw a Bait Casting Net from a boat?

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