How to Put a Boilie on a Hair Rig

This other article by is going to help you with how to put a boilie on a hair rig. It is hoped that it will excite you like our previous topic muskie fishing tips for beginners.

 What are boilies?

Boilies are carp baits. As regards the hair rig, it is a fishing setup to catch carp in which we attach a bait to a short piece of line or hair hanging away from the hook. Additionally, hair rigs were invented and tested in the 1980s. The purpose behind inventing hair rigs was to present the bait in a way that its movement looks natural to a carp. Moreover, the hair rigs enable the anglers to add all types of baits to a rig which, otherwise, cannot be attached to a point of hook.

 The reason behind the name hair rigs is because the real hair, though not very strong, acted perfectly to allow the bait to act naturally while being attached at a distance from the hook. But the development of modern material has replaced human hair although the name stands intact.

On the other hand, carp are also choosy regarding their baits because they check the edibility of bait before truly eating them.

Moreover, before how to put a boilie on a hair rig, anglers should know that the selection of a perfect rig according to the situation is a huge challenge generally, for experienced anglers and particularly for beginners. However, hair rigs are not without an advantage in that they are almost used in all types of carp fishing. Additionally, the hair rigs are called self-setting rigs as well as the angler does not need to set the hook.

How to Put a Boilie on a Hair Rig: Steps

There are many different steps of how to put a boilie on a hair rig depending on the “bait stops” a hair rig has.

For beginners, stops are there to prevent the baits from falling off. Moreover, these stops are small pieces of plastic that push through a boilie or a bait.

Before we discuss the steps of how to put a boilie on a hair rig, let us discuss the material we might need for the said purpose:

  • Bait needle
  • Scissors
  • Boilie Drill
  • Braided line…30cm
  • Fluorocarbon line…30cm
  • 2 hooks
  • Boilie
  • Boilie Stop.

Step One: First, an overhand knot is tied. Next, put the boilie on the hair using the boilie stop. The recommended knot in this regard is knotless.

Step Two: Here, you are required to take a baiting needle. Now, thread it through the middle of the boilie, completely.

Step Three: Now, as the boilie has been threaded onto the hair. Next, push the boilie to stop through the loop so that the boilie is secured in its place.

Step Four: Adjust the length of your hair according to your preferences. Near some anglers, the hair should be longer to let the boilie move freely. Whereas some anglers keep their hair short as per the demand of their presentations.

Step Five: Now, wrap the line around up to 15 wraps around the shank of the hook. Again, two more wraps back up the hook and through the back of the hook and pull tight.

Step Six: This step is about tying a swivel or an overhand knot to the end of the hook length to prevent the boiler from sliding off.

Step Seven: The rig should be in tidy condition. Therefore, you should trim the excess line from the knot.

Step Eight: Now, you are ready to go. But before a cast, it is wise to give the rig a gentle pull to check if the boiler is securely attached.

Final Thoughts  

It was all about how to put a boilie on a hair rig. Learning it by yourself is very key as you might have to modify or tie different lines, hooks or weights during a fishing trip. However, remember the following things:

  • While using soft baits to pass a baiting needle through or for drilled boilie or pellets, use a bait stop hair rig.
  • Similarly, use bait spike hair rigs while you are fishing with harder boilies.

Hopefully, these steps will prove effective to put boilie on a hair rig to fish carp. However, the selection of size and color of boilies be made according to your preferences and water conditions.


  1. Which sized boilie be used on a hair rig?

Ans. The size of boilie on a hair rig depends on the carp being targeted and the water conditions. However, the common size of boilies ranges from 10-20mm.

  • How can I choose the right hair length?

    Ans. Adjust the length of your hair according to your preferences.      Near some anglers, the hair should be longer to let the boilie move freely. Whereas some anglers keep their hair short as per the demand of their presentations.

  • Is the use of boilie stop helpful?

Ans. The boilie stops help the boilie to remain in its place during a cast. However, these stops prevent the boilie from sliding off when the current is strong or you are casting from a distance.

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