Basic Fishing Rigs Freshwater

A freshwater fishing rig means tying the baits, lures, and other fishing-related equipment to your line in a way that fish are immediately attracted to your line. Tying so many things to the fishing does not mean at all that the fishing rig is something complicated. Rather it is very simple. You just need to take care of the presentation to attract the targeted species. Basic fishing rigs freshwater is also affected by the water conditions you are going to face as an angler. 

  The basic fishing rigs freshwater are manufactured in multiple designs for a specific scenario like bottom fishing, surface fishing, still fishing, trolling, or drift fishing. So, below is the list of basic fishing rigs freshwater:

Basic Fishing Rigs Freshwater

 Basic Fishing Rigs Freshwater: Types

  1. Still Fishing Rig

If you are in pursuit of an easy way of fishing in saltwater, it is still fishing due to its versatility of options that include fishing from a bridge, pier, shore, and a boat as well. Still, fishing allows you to fish both at the bottom as well as above the bottom with bait suspended. It can be done in many water conditions like lakes, rivers, streams, and ponds.

  Similarly, still, fishing is not confined to any weather or temperature condition. It can be done almost during all seasons and at any time of the day. The only thing to be considered by the anglers while still fishing is observing the patience.

  Moreover, in a still fishing rig, the bait should be presented vertically at various depths. For that purpose, a basic bobber rig should be tried.

Simple Rig

  Among all basic fishing rigs freshwater, the ideal rig to be used by any starter is a simple rig. The reasons to use a simple rig include it’s being cheaper and easy to tie to the line. The simple rig is productive for worms, small baits, and maggots. But it should not be expected at all that a simple rig will hold larger baits.

Trolling Rig

  Trolling is accompanied by boats running on motors so that boats can move quietly to avoid nu-nerving the fish. Similarly, trolling can be done from the shore, bridge, and piers. As far as trolling is concerned, depth is very key. The depth of the bait decides the speed of the boat whereas the target species decide the depth of the bait.

 The ideal gears for trolling are spinning and bait-casting reels. One thing to be considered before heading for trolling is to collect knowledge about local regulations as some states have banned motorized trolling.

Drift Fishing Rig

   Drift fishing rig is used to fish at the bottom and other variety of habitats because the boats drift with the water currents. Basic fishing rigs freshwater need fresh natural baits. Drift fishing can be done in water conditions like ponds, lakes, streams, and rivers.

   The best rig for that purpose is the sliding sinker bottom rig. It can be used both from the shore as well as boats. Similarly, the sinker rig can be made to rest on the bottom with a live bait suspended above. Moreover, this technique makes fish feel the weight.

  1. Live Lining Rig

  When your boat is on a flowing water body, it means you have live bait. Live lining rig requires live or prepared fish both on and off the bottom. Likewise, the live lining rigs enable you to move with the currents to a place where fish are residing whether it is a whole or a rock. The anglers who are interested in bass, choose the live lining rig as far as basic fishing rigs freshwater is concerned.

  1. Wacky Rig

  Wacky rig is very interesting and simple with the feature of catching multiple fish. For fish like bass, the wacky rig is one of the best in the business. This rig used a plastic worm for catching fish.

  If you are fishing deeper water, it is better you add a nail to the ends of worm for taking it to the deeper depths. Moreover, a wacky rig has a kit for everything you could require during the fishing process.

  1. Umbrella Rig

  This rig includes three to five lures attached together and look-like a frame of umbrella. Umbrella rig is productive for stripers and many other fish like bass. But the expert anglers forbid to use it for catching large fish.

  1. 3-Way Rig

This rig is used while fishing from the shore in currents. It is a favorite rig among surf anglers or anglers who are interested in catching cat-fish. It is ideal for both shallow and deep waters.

  1. Bottom Bouncer Rig

The bottom bouncer rig keeps the bait close to the bottom. It features as an inverted L-shaped wire with a weight. Another good feature of the bottom bouncer rig is that it reduces hurdles under-cover.

10.Worming Rig

      One of the simplest to make rigs is a worming rig. No basic fishing rig freshwater can equal a worming rig. The old hooks without traces have found a good companion in the form of a worming rig. They are no more useless now.

  The ideal water condition for a worming rig is a river or reservoir. Just a knot on one end and the hook on the other will start going the job for you. The length of the hook should not be less than 22 feet keeping in view the depth.

 Basic Fishing Rig Freshwater: Setup

   As discussed earlier, an angler should ensure following fishing equipment before heading for freshwater fishing:

  • Fishing rods
  • Fishing reels.
  • Fishing line.
  • Rigs.
  • Tackle.
  • Baits and lures.
  • Appropriate clothing.

How to Setup Freshwater Fishing Rigs?

  For a successful fishing day out, it is essential that your fishing rigs are properly set up. In following lines, we ill tell you about how to set up some important fishing rigs.

Sliding Sinker Rig is ideal for bottom fishing. The other names for this rig are California rig or fish finder rig. Its setup includes following steps:

  • The main line should be threaded through the hole in an egg sinker.
  • You should have a knot for tying the swivel to the end of the main line.
  • A piece of leader having a length of 6-12 inches be attached to the swivel.
  • Finally, add a hook or an artificial bait to the leader end.

Basic Bobber Rig is ideal for the beginners to catch small fish. It includes following steps for its setup:

  • Fishing knot be used to tie a hook to the end of the fishing line.
  • Add some weight to your line by adding split shot sinkers to the main line. The size should be from 6-12 inches.
  • In case of a strong current, split shot sinkers can be increased.
  • Above the hook, attach a circle bobber keeping in view the depth of water.

3- Way Fishing Rig can be used for both bottom fishing as well as for fishing from the shore. Its setup has following steps:

  • The main line should have a 3-way swivel tied to it.
  •  To tie a short piece of leader to one of swivel eyes, use a fishing knot.
  • The other eye should not go without a longer piece of fishing line.
  • Add a sinker [pyramid] to the shorter piece of leader.
  • The longer piece of leader should have a lure tied to it.

Sabiki Rigs are freshwater rigs used to catch baitfish. Additionally, sabiki rigs usually have 8 to ten hooks. Moreover, they are pre-made. The setup of sabiki rigs includes:

  • A fishing line of 2 feet.
  • Four dropper loop knots be attached to the line.
  • Use a clinch knot to attach a barrel swivel to the top of the line.
  • To the terminal end of the fishing line, fix a sinker with the aid of clinch knot.


  To sum up the above discussion, it is advised that your basic fishing rigs freshwater should be properly tied. The rig being tried for the first time by you should not get you discouraged. The practice along with patience will earn you favorable results because setting up the rig is not that difficult as it is thought to be. You just need to have proper gear and planning to utilize that gear.

   The next aspect that should be considered is the quality of the rigs. It means that the rigs must not wear away after catching many fish.


  1. What is the best rig for beginners’ fishing?

Ans. Bobber and hook are ideal for beginners firstly because they are to set up and secondly, they are able to catch larger fish of different varieties. Likewise, they are quite easy to use.

  1. What is the best simple fishing setup?

Ans. The egg sinker slip rig is considered best rig for still fishing because it keeps the bait close to bottom.

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