How To Catch Largemouth Bass

The largemouth bass is a carnivorous gamefish found in United States. Catching largemouth bass is not without action and fun simultaneously. The researchers claim that largemouth bass is the most intelligent fresh water specie. It can grow from 4 to 16 inches in just three years. It has a large slightly upward sloping mouth. Its body is flattened from side to side. Now, we shall discuss the basics of How To Catch Largemouth Bass.

How To Catch Largemouth Bass

Basics Of How To Catch Largemouth Bass:

The first thing an angler should do to catch How To Catch Largemouth Bass is to collect the information that where are they actually found in abundance. Warm and shallow parts of lakes and rivers are preferred by a largemouth bass. Therefore, a fishing lover should be mindful of that before going fishing.

Moreover, the current condition in the river etc should be observed closely for a successful expedition. In spring, hot winter days and in summer mornings, largemouth bass is found near shores. At other times, a largemouth bass can be located in shallow waters.

Alongside other techniques How To Catch Largemouth Bass, one is to adjust your line according to the flow of current because they are aggressive and sometimes leap out of water like an acrobat.

Furthermore, those areas are preferred as habitat How To Catch Largemouth Bass which offer some sort of cover. These covers include vegetation, fallen trees and bushes. An angler should throw the line near the cover to catch his/her target. But it should be ensured that the lure resembles the cover to make fishing easy for oneself.

It does not mean at all that the largemouth bass always lives near a cover. They actually do live in open waters but it is not the normal routine. There are few other basic techniques as well for catching a largemouth bass:
The largemouth bass prefer a wounded prey. Therefore, instead of throwing a torn- up worm away, it should be used for fishing especially in shallow waters.
A red bait and a red hook befool the How To Catch Largemouth Bass to attack them and get trapped. They make the bass think that prey is already injured.
The anglers should use a sharpened hook to make it penetrate the bass easily.
The bass like different baits in different times of the year. Therefore, choose your bait according to the season.
The best time to fish is before the storm and vice versa.

The Best Bait for Beginners How To Catch Largemouth Bass:

Picking out a right bait or lure to How To Catch Largemouth Bass is really key because even the experienced anglers get confused about the type of bait to be used for the said purpose. Here is a list of baits that are widely used by the fishermen to capture largemouth bass:

Stick Bait

It is a specific type of fishing bait. It is also called walking bait. A stick bait resembles a long slender stick or pencil. The anglers prefer stick baits to catch largemouth bass by allowing it to come towards water surface. The anglers cast the stick baits out and then retrieve them by jerks, pauses, and twitches.

The movement of retrieve is varied by the angler to check what works best on a particular day for a particular specie. However, fishing laws cannot be ignored by any means and hence be followed by the fishermen.

2.Curl Tail Grub:

The curl tail grub is one of the most incredible lures of all times to be used by any beginner. It can be used to catch a largemouth bass anytime anywhere. Cast it out and keep retrieving so that targeted specie could be obtained.


A spinnerbait is a bait/lure that Imitates the movement of a small fish in the water. A spinnerbait is widely preferred by the anglers to catch largemouth bass in fresh water. Spinnerbaits contain metal blades on one end and hook at the other to attract the bass.

The blades are chosen by the fishermen according to the water conditions and also the fish being targeted. The anglers cast the spinnerbait out and retrieve at varying speed to check which works best.
The spinnerbaits are versatile lures to be used in all fishing conditions whether it be shallow waters, around vegetation or open water. Normally, spinnerbaits are well-known for their ability to attract a largemouth bass from a distance but can catch other species as well.

4.Square Bill Crankbait:

A square bill crankbait is anglers’ choice to fish in shallow water lakes and ponds. It is particularly designed to attract a largemouth bass. Its square- shaped bill or lip attached to its front is the reason behind its name. Its square-shaped bill plays an important role in catching different bass as it also works best in covers.
Moreover, while fishing with the square bill crankbait retrieving speed should be varied to check for the best results.

5.Lipless Crankbait:

The lipless crankbait is one of the lures to work at any depth. A lipless crankbait has no lip unlike other baits. The absence of lip gives a strange advantage to a lipless crankbait because during retrieve, they create disturbance in the water thus attracting bass from a distance.

When Are Largemouth Bass Most Active?

There are some specific times during the day and some certain water conditions when largemouth bass are very active. There are followed some particular trends in their behavior due to fear of being caught. Let’s discuss them as under:

1.Early Hours:

The largemouth bass are very active very early in the morning because the water is cooler to have a bite. They feed on the smaller fish which are also very active then. This is called “morning bite.”

2.Late Afternoon:

This is the time before sunset. The water is cooler again to make the bass active.

3.Water Temperature:

The temperature between 18c and 27c is preferred by the largemouth bass to keep them active. They strike aggressively under this much temperature. But it does not mean at all that a largemouth bass cannot be caught at all under or above this temperature. It can be but with different behavior.


To sum up, following steps should be kept in mind while How To Catch Largemouth Bass:
A fisherman must have the knowledge of habitats of largemouth bass for a successful hunt.
Proper tackles, reels and rods should be selected along with right lure or bait.

Casting technique should be perfect to entice maximum number of largemouth bass.
Try different baits as largemouth bass prefer different baits according to certain conditions.
Paying attention to water conditions, temperature and current is also very key.
Last but not the least is patience. Un-necessary noise or disturbance can scare away the bass.

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